Not that I'm not used to people glancing and moving on. Actually, I have learned not to take it personally. I don't write for you, you know.
I write for me and for God- and in some ways, for my parents. Almost kind of like I'm still trying to prove something to myself or to them.
But that's not a thought I like.
I kind of enjoyed the process, actually. Now I'm just impatient for it to be approved. I plan to make good use of my free copies, and I think I might publish it on Kindle. *grin* My dad won't read it unless it's in ebook format. We tease him now, that he's too good for printed books.
God, do I love my parents! Sometimes, it's hard to even articulate it, the feeling is so intense. My parents may not do things the 'popular' way, or the generally accepted ways, but then, I wouldn't want them to. Their style of parenting is, I think, how I would want to raise my own children- if I weren't set against having any.
I've started another story. Maybe not a Lakeview Heights novel, but one I think I can finish. Possibly next year's NaNo project, depending on how inspired I get. It's about Abby and Dean, and how and when they fell in love.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, about a lot of things.
I am making it a goal to be more healthy next year. Not like a New Year's resolution to lose weight and exercise five days a week- first of all, that's impossible, since I'm at work three days a week, which only leaves four days to work out. I'm talking a holistic approach to being healthier. Nutrition. Sure, also exercise. Even some feng sui to help keep my mind happy, or whatever.
Okay, probably not any feng sui, since I'm a notorious packrat. But cleaning and keeping things clean. That's what I need to do.
The first change I've decided to make is in my diet. I love salty snacks, so I need to find a way to have healthy ones. Mom made these really yummy "seed balls". She said they were a protein snack with pumpkin seeds and chia seeds and some spices and stuff. They were super yummy. And she said there wasn't anything like baking involved, so once I get my kitchen cleaned up, I could make them myself. I might not like it, but I would make them for myself.
It's probably too cold to go for any significant kind of walk, but I really, really want to. I have a pair of sneakers in my trunk that I was thinking of using to go for a walk this morning when I get off work...
Hmm. That sounds like fun. My lack of exercise lately is making me chubby again. :)
I like this plan.