For more than ten years, I've kept a journal. You'd think that would be enough for me!
But no! Now I intend to embrace this concept called blogging. I don't know how well it will work out- after all, those of you who've known me a while will no doubt recall my intermittent, short-lived times on livejournal. Poor just couldn't hold my interest for long, I suppose.
This is going to be less of a journal, however, and more of...well, I suppose we'll call it an outlet. I have what might be termed a compulsion to write. But what is shared on my blog won't be the innermost thoughts. Rather, these entries will be expressions of thoughts that are meant to be shared.
Also, this is a good opportunity for me to actually share the photos I take with my smartphone. Facebook is becoming more annoying than useful, and I can't write as much as I would wish there. So for that, and other reasons, I shall consider this my new home, for however long I reside here.
What I choose to share may not seem to have a point, or it may seem to jump around, but this is my outlet, remember, and you are welcome to come or go as you please.
If you decide to stay, please leave some sign of your passing.
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