I'm a Christian.
Yeah, I know, it's not a popular thing to be in this day and age. But it's what I am. More than that, it's who I am. And I'm not ashamed of it. I'm not ashamed of God.
I don't agree with the Supreme Court decision to legalize homosexual marriage. Maybe I'm wrong. That doesn't mean I'll change my mind. I believe that God disapproves of homosexuality.
Notice I said 'homosexuality', not 'homosexuals.' God loves homosexuals. He also loves atheists, terrorists, vegans, liars, prostitutes, witches, and every other person on this planet. He even loves me. It's not people he hates- it's the choices we make.
I know some lesbians. I work with them. Actually, I think they're pretty and sweet and smart and hard-working. I think they make excellent friends, and are very generous individuals. I don't tell them how to live their lives. They don't tell me how to live mine. I love them the same way I love my other friends and coworkers.
Because God first loved me, I am able to give that same love to others, no matter their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. We're all people.
And while, no, you won't see a rainbow on my profile picture or hear me talk about how great the Supreme Court decision has been, that doesn't mean that if one of my friends invites me to share their joy, I'll rain on their parade.
God hasn't smote them for their choice- why should I?
Yes, I'm a Christian. I'm also white and a conservative and straight. Guess what? I'm not ashamed of any of those things. I'm not going to apologize for any of them either. If you want to start a fight, start it somewhere else- I'm secure in who I am and I don't need to defend myself to you.
Just like you, whoever you are, don't need to defend yourself to me. I'm not your judge.
So don't try to be mine.