30 January 2014


There are good days and there are bad days.  Then there are great days and there are horrific days.  On a scale from one to horrific, I've had some 'hellacious' and 'horrendous' days lately.  Actually, one 'hellacious' and one half of a 'horrendous'.  The rest haven't been all that bad.
My Kindle sales are holding steady at three.  Woohoo!
My head has only ached three of the last five days, and I seem to be sleeping better.
I'm down another four pounds- go me!
That's pretty much the story of my life.  I finally got a beginning going for my next book, which I think my mother is more excited about than I am. :)  Lately, I've been able to spend a lot of time studying the Word.  Reading through First and Second Samuel has helped me write both my short stories and my prayers better of late, and I'm glad for that.

I've been reading the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth over the past week or so.  I like it, generally.  I find some of the characters to be simplified archetypes just filling space (case in point, Jeannine Matthews, the primary villain throughout the first two books), but there are a few exceptions (SPOILER ALERT).  For all that he ends up being a traitor of the highest order, I do enjoy the author's portrayal of Caleb Prior, the heroine's older brother.  I also like Christina, Tris's best girlfriend.  I like Tobias/Four to a point.  When he starts going all googly over Tris, I kind of have to take a step back.
I don't like Tris.
Yes, I'm being honest.  I don't like her.  I think it's because a lot of my worst qualities are like hers (which is the best kind of written character, when you think about it.).  I don't root for her like I do for Katniss; I don't enjoy her adventures like I do Hermione; I don't wish I was her like I do Lucy Pevensie.
But Veronica Roth does spin a good story and I have to give her props for it.  I suppose it says more about me than it does about her that I enjoy and root more for the villains of her story than I do for the heroes.
I'm still debating whether or not I will see the movie.  Noah comes out in March, and I'm more interested in that.

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