I am drowning in Theraflu (I'm down to one packet left; I might actually have to go to Walgreens sometime today) and Throat Coat tea with honey and lemon juice.
Since I slept almost the entire day yesterday, and most of the day on Wednesday, I feel the need to at least pretend I don't sleep all the time.

See? it's all about how you look at things. :)
Ugh, even as I think about having a popsicle, my stomach rebels. So, no popsicles I'm gonna have some more tea. Maybe a different one this time- but not Sleepytime!
So, to all of you lovely folks who are feeling quite better than I am, I wish you a lovely day with your honey, your parents, your kids, your school chums...etc. Just have a lovely day and know that someone out there loves you! And if you're feeling as crummy as I am, know also that you're loved. With an extra dose of love because you're sick and sick people need love.
And I'm going to go now, since I can't seem to keep my thoughts from rambling on at random. I'm going to curl up on the
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