For most people, for normal people, they watch a movie and it's a fun, temporary escape from reality. Emphasis on temporary. They read a book and are able to keep themselves mentally separated from the other worlds revealed in the pages. Their "adventure" lasts from cover to cover.
For me, I watch a movie, and my mind is filled with the possibilities. Like "what might happen if the characters did this and this as opposed to that?" I wonder at their real motivations, especially if there is no discussion of why within the movie itself. I read a book, and my mind gets to know that world as well as it knows this one.
I know my mind works differently from others. Shoot, I see a story in everything I come across during a typical day. A sunbeam through rainclouds turns into an introspective scene. A Woman walking her dog becomes a "voice of reason" character within my narrative. A book display at the store becomes a fun moment of interaction between protagonists. There is literally a story everywhere.
So you know what? Call me a nerd. Call me weird, call me crazy. I am unique, and God made me this way, so I must have stories worth telling.
Labels don't bother me anymore. :)
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