Have you ever noticed that when you attempt to please everybody, you end up pleasing no one and making yourself feel like utter crap? I've been noticing that a lot lately. Every time I try to do something right, it somehow ends up coming out wrong for somebody and then I feel...
I've been thinking recently, about things I haven't thought about in a while.
There are things about Christianity that I don't believe in. I don't believe that people have any right to decide or dictate how other people ought to believe. I've been falling into the trap too many of us fall into: that following our way makes us better than everybody else. We're not. Actually, if you think about it, we're worse. We have assured salvation. We have the Holy Spirit living inside our bodies- and yet, we're still sinning.
At least other people can say 'well, I didn't have no Holy Spirit in me when I did that! How could I have known better?'
Who am I- Christian that I am- to look at other people's lives and judge them? What about my life- what about my heart- is better than the people I'm judging?
It was driven home to me today that I put way too much stock in what other people think of me. Expressing one opinion would disappoint someone I depend on to love me no matter what. But expressing the opposite opinion would lose me the respect of someone else I care about very much. So whom do I please? The first or the second? Which opinion is really mine? I spend so much time trying to offend no one that everyone is offended and I'm left wondering if, in my attempt to please, I may have overlooked my own actual opinion.
It feels like that saying, 'if you wear a mask long enough, you become the mask.'
Does anyone else's mind think things like this, because I'm starting to feel like I might need professional help!
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