25 March 2014

Cream puffs and catawampus (which totally gets added to the list of words that are fun to say)

(written at work at 2 a.m.)
I dreamed about cream puffs yesterday.
I don't know why, really, or what that means.  But it kind of struck me, since I don't usually dream about food.  I mean, there is sometimes food in my dreams, but I don't usually dream solely about food.
Also, there was a dream about a second cousin named Velma that I'm almost ninety-nine percent sure I don't have.
I still have "Let It Go" stuck in my head.
I learned something about attitude last night that I'm sure most people would consider common sense.  Here it is, you ready?  Attitude determines outcome.
Lessons like this are learned and relearned often; we forget, sometimes, that we know them, or we consider them such common sense that sometimes our uncommon sense disregards them completely and they come as a surprise when we realize them all over again.
I'm becoming irritated with tumblr.  I know, you're thinking 'that was fast', but it's true.  Most of tumblr is just reposting what other people have posted; there's not a lot of original thought.  And there's a lot of liberals on tumblr, I've come to discover.  Not the least of which is my boyfriend.  But he and I don't discuss politics.  Or religion.  Well, I'd like to, but it will only likely start an actual argument, considering he's a definite liberal and I'm a definite conservative.
Speaking of politics, how's this for a lesson?  "American National Government"?  That's the name of my class.  It's the poli-sci requirement and I do not want to take it, but alas, it's the second-to-last general education requirement for my degree.  Six months of schooling left.  I'm so proud of myself.  Which is odd, because I haven't done anything yet.

This evening, I was reading a chapter in Romans (before I work on my two chapters of reading for class), and I came across something that made me feel like God was jumping up and down, waving his arms, and shouting, "Yoo-hoo!  Pay attention! Over here, kiddo!"  I chose chapter 12 because I read a verse from there in yesterday's chapter of The Purpose-Driven Life.  The version I'm reading at work (because it fits in my purse) is the New Testament of the Message.  This was what I read:
"…if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them.  Keep a smile on your face."
Only God knows how often I get frustrated with my clients, or irritated by their demands or repetitions.  And sometimes, it's not easy to keep a smile on my face.  This was a direction I needed to learn to go in.  This was what I needed to read tonight.

I just want everyone to know- I got my mojo back!  So, whatever kept me from writing- be it burnout, physical exhaustion, or merely a lack of inspiration, it's gone now, and I'm all systems go for Camp NaNoWriMo next month.  I'm going to be working on a new concept, and I've reduced my word goal to 20,000 (considering I've never done NaNo while in school and working full-time), so we'll see how well this goes.

I just realized something else.  Of all the people who believed in me and supported me in my writing aspirations, only one died before I was published.  That may seem like a morbid thought, but to me it's not.  It's beautiful.  Because here's how I look at it: she got the first one to know it would happen with 100% certainty.

Edit: I feel decidedly accomplished today.  Not only did I balance my checkbook and finish filling out my FAFSA, I also finished the first chapter of this week's assigned reading and my first day's homework!
And now I'm freezing!

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