Especially reblogging. Katya warned me about the flying fandoms on tumblr, and now I'm in amongst them! It's madness, I tell you, pure madness!
On the upside, I cannot even tell you how beneficial it is for me to have a "read-and-reviewer" who is willing to tell me that my storyline is overused and overdone. Had she not, I would have written the same happily ever after with different character names, and people who've read my book would've been like "wait, deja vu!"
So, this time around, I'm going to try a different genre altogether. It won't be the high fantasy (I'm seriously stuck on that one, you guys! I've got 47 pages, typed, single-spaced, size 10 Times New Roman, and I'm STUCK), but I am considering a fantastical element. Or maybe it would be considered more psychological? I dunno. It won't be chick-lit again, though, and it might take more than a year to finish (now that's a scary thought, since the last one to take more than a year to finish is the high fantasy "Gardener of Aenen" that is still in the freaking works.
I have a decent start on it, and it's kind of a fun, light-hearted sort of thing. Actually, it's sort of based on the short story I wrote my senior year of high school and into my freshman year of college, called "When Muses Go on Strike."
Heheh, I might include the short story as a "bonus" when I publish the finished book. That would be kind of fun. I do love writing short stories.
Mom's encouraging me to try my hand at kids' books, and I was thinking of refining my first ever short story (I wrote it when I was 8) and turning it into a children's book. Kat, you remember that illustrator position I offered you in high school? Still want in? :)
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