12 July 2014

Because I needed to vent

Ewoks vs. Marvel characters
I'm rather irritated.

It's sad, really.  I have all sorts of verbal "reviews" from family members (to whom my mother sent my books), but not one person has posted a review on Amazon.


That's both irritating and depressing.
Anyway, I've had kind of an annoying afternoon.  But at least I got rid of one facebook "friend" who's been acting like an ass.
Yes, I said it!  Like an ass! 
Where does he get off calling me stupid? 

Anyway, being the nerd that I am, I decided to alleviate the hurt (even from someone you don't actually care about, being called stupid still hurts) by playing Star Wars.  I got Han Solo, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 already, along with a bunch of name less characters (a Trandoshian slaver, an Ithorian outcast, a Katan, a probe droid, and a Jawa).  It's fun.  It's nerdy.
I like it.

And that's about all I have to say on the matter today.  I don't normally like alienating people, but I'm pretty proud of myself, actually.

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