I feel out of sorts, but nothing's really wrong.
I'm weird. Some women have closets full of clothes and shoes, and I laugh when I hear them complain that they have nothing to wear (granted, this is mostly sitcom characters, because I don't really know women with that problem). I have more than 900 books on Kindle, and probably around 300 still in paper, and I feel like I have nothing to read!
I want to read the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series, but the latter quintet won't be finished until October, and I want to read them in order. Which sucks, because I'm seriously impatient.
I'm a junkie. A book junkie.
Let's face it, there are worse things to be addicted to.
Which is why it sucks to be going through withdrawal when I have so many books to read. The problem being, they're all incomplete series or something.
I suppose I could read the Sword of Truth books again.
Or maybe the Yada Yada Prayer Group.
Yeah, I think I'll read those next.
You, on the other hand, should read THIS
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