I have a design for a character in
my head, and yet, I don’t know what I’m going to put her in.
I have all the characters I need for my Aenen
storyline, and she definitely doesn’t fit into any of my Chick lit
I’ve sketched her a dozen times
and cannot get the character out of my head.
It’s possible I’m looking at a new
fantasy story.
I’ve been pondering my process
The most seemingly random things
inspire me.
I have a couple of short
stories that were written based on a necklace or a hairstyle.
Yes, I know that makes it sound
like they’re fluffy little pieces about girly things.
Not really.
One based on a necklace actually doesn’t even mention the necklace
It’s a story about a girl who
makes friends with a leopard.
It was the
necklace that made me think of talking animals.
My process is so totally random that it makes
no sense when I try to examine or explain it.
All I know is that it works, and I should stop trying to question it.
Nahemii-san's designs, which I "purchased/adopted" |
I think I’m also getting pretty
good at sketching.
Not faces, mind you,
but I’m definitely improving on hair and clothes.
My only problem is that I don’t have any
ability to draw bodies, so I’ve been using models.
I “bought” a couple of different poses from
one of my “friends” on deviantart, Nahemii-san.
there is an artist who can draw clothes!
I’ve adopted a couple of outfits that I’ve
tried redrawing- they never look as good when I do it. =D
But, again, they inspired me, so I “bought”
I do love deviantart points.
Mom is right; I need to make
changes more often if my reaction is going to be so prolonged.
Every time I look at my pretty blue toenails,
I get all giggly again.
J I’m such a
So, it’s been more than a
I feel comfortable reviewing
Lucy now. Even so...
Okay, I'll start with my assessment of the movie:
It was totally weird. There were three of us watching and we could only come up with about one word to describe it: weird.
Now, from here on, there are spoilers ahead, so please, please don't read this if you haven't seen the movie yet.
So far as movies go, it actually started out really well. Very intense from the beginning, Scarlett Johanssen made a rather believable character.
So the basic premise of the story is that Lucy is hijacked to be a drug mule, the bag leaks, and she ends up developing super powers as a result.
She goes on something of a rampage, killing everybody responsible for her kidnapping and the drugs- or trying to- along with a couple of innocent bystanders. Which was a MAJOR personality shift from the character in the beginning of the movie who was freaking out from being kidnapped. I mean FREAKING OUT- she threw up and her nose was running from the crying she was doing. As she gains more and more powers, she starts to become kind of loopy and emotionless, which totally distracts from what should be the coolness of the character and her powers.
The effects were amazing, and the acting, such as it was, was very well done. Morgan Freeman did an excellent job as the professor.
The ending though...it was just WEIRD. I liked the cop character, Del Rio, but didn't really understand his purpose. Lucy claimed to want him around to remind her of what it was to be human, but she kissed him and it felt awkward and out of place and, frankly, pretty pointless. It didn't feel romantic in the slightest.
And as for Lucy's "death"- I'm still not entirely sure how that came about.
In all, I'd give the thing a C. It could go either way, but the last time I was so confunded by a movie was from watching The Fountain.
My suggestion: wait until it comes out on DVD, and either rent it or add it to your netflix queue. The scenes in the trailers were easily the ones worth watching in the whole movie. Unless you enjoy the plot holes and randomness of this kind of story.
Thus endeth the review.