30 January 2014


There are good days and there are bad days.  Then there are great days and there are horrific days.  On a scale from one to horrific, I've had some 'hellacious' and 'horrendous' days lately.  Actually, one 'hellacious' and one half of a 'horrendous'.  The rest haven't been all that bad.
My Kindle sales are holding steady at three.  Woohoo!
My head has only ached three of the last five days, and I seem to be sleeping better.
I'm down another four pounds- go me!
That's pretty much the story of my life.  I finally got a beginning going for my next book, which I think my mother is more excited about than I am. :)  Lately, I've been able to spend a lot of time studying the Word.  Reading through First and Second Samuel has helped me write both my short stories and my prayers better of late, and I'm glad for that.

I've been reading the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth over the past week or so.  I like it, generally.  I find some of the characters to be simplified archetypes just filling space (case in point, Jeannine Matthews, the primary villain throughout the first two books), but there are a few exceptions (SPOILER ALERT).  For all that he ends up being a traitor of the highest order, I do enjoy the author's portrayal of Caleb Prior, the heroine's older brother.  I also like Christina, Tris's best girlfriend.  I like Tobias/Four to a point.  When he starts going all googly over Tris, I kind of have to take a step back.
I don't like Tris.
Yes, I'm being honest.  I don't like her.  I think it's because a lot of my worst qualities are like hers (which is the best kind of written character, when you think about it.).  I don't root for her like I do for Katniss; I don't enjoy her adventures like I do Hermione; I don't wish I was her like I do Lucy Pevensie.
But Veronica Roth does spin a good story and I have to give her props for it.  I suppose it says more about me than it does about her that I enjoy and root more for the villains of her story than I do for the heroes.
I'm still debating whether or not I will see the movie.  Noah comes out in March, and I'm more interested in that.

24 January 2014

I did it!

I did it!

It's a link.  Click on it.  You know you want to!
Perhaps I should explain.
The link you see above is the direct link to the amazon.com page where my book is for sale at this very moment.
I keep going just to look at it.  I find it incredible that I actually managed to achieve this dream.  Praise God!

20 January 2014

God Moments: Equality

It never fails to amaze me, the ways that God chooses and uses to get our attention, to teach, to correct, to use us.

I was at work this morning, and when my shift ended, I was replaced by the next shift, a woman whom I do not like.  When I don't like someone, I'm not so impolite as to come right out and say that I don't like them.  Self-righteously, I have decided that I shall simply dislike them passively.  By which is meant, I shall not smile, I shall answer them monosyllabically- if I don't pretend not to hear them altogether- I shall roll my eyes behind their backs, and I shall, in general, consider myself to be better than they are.

I'm quite a piece of work, aren't I?

Anyway, this morning, I was folding laundry when my replacement arrived, and I knew immediately who it was, despite being in another room.  She does not lower her voice when she comes in, even though the client is sleeping.  I groaned to myself and rolled my eyes, then I 'girded my loins' and left the laundry room.

I sat down on the couch without saying a word and gave one of those not-smile expressions; you know, the ones where you press your lips into a line so it looks like you might be smiling?  I had my journal and my Bible open on the couch, so I picked them up and started to put them away- then I realized that I still had ten minutes left in my shift and I was darn well going to get paid for them, even though she was already clocked in.

She talked and I decided to pretend I was doing something important.  What I was really doing was working on my current "God Moment".  Ironically- you'll see in a moment- it's about treating everyone equally.

So, I read the last line I'd written a couple of hours earlier, and proceeded to write the next.

This is what I wrote in that moment:

"In God's eyes, we are all the same.  No one is better than anyone else."

I kid you not.  I wrote that and then I did a double-take and realized what a hypocrite I am.

I don't have to like someone to treat them decently.  I don't have to become their bosom friend to show a little kindness.  I don't have to love someone to show them love.
I felt like crying and laughing in that moment.  What I did was take od's gentle correction to heart.  I closed my journal and I engaged.  I smiled.  I participated in the conversation.  I shared something of myself.  And you know what?  The fact that she won't lower her voice still makes me insane, but I don't despise her.  She's not going to be my best friend, but she does have wisdom from experience that she can share with me if I get off my high horse and listen.

Patience is said to be a virtue, but I think it's a life skill

Christmas 2013
It's somewhat ironic that I struggle with patience.  I say it's ironic, because I work mostly with dementia and Alzheimer's patients (no, they're not the same thing; you can have dementia without having Alzheimer's), and that requires nothing so much as patience.
Let me give you an example.
One of my dementia clients drinks from one of those plastic cups with a lid and a straw to cut down on spills and broken glasses, which had become a real problem a while back.  The difficulty with that is that she doesn't always remember how to drink from a straw.  She will hold the cup and tilt it up, sometimes with the straw in her mouth, sometimes with the straw pointing off to the side.  Every time this happens, I resituate the cup- if necessary- so that the straw is in her mouth, and remind her to suck through the straw.  Often, I need to hold the cup still so she doesn't tilt it up again.  This explanation and process is usually repeated four or five times every time she takes a drink from her cup.
It can be frustrating to repeat something over and over like that.  My mother tells me it is good practice for having children, but I maintain that I don't want any children.
I do, however, want to understand aging.  I want to understand how better to help these people I serve.  Maybe that's what makes me good at this job.  I want to know everything about my clients; I want to understand how their minds work and why they react to certain things in
certain ways.
It's not about patience or compassion for me.  It's about connection.  Connecting with people isn't something I pride myself on.  It's just something I do.  And fortunately for me, I've always connected to older generations than mine better than I do to my own.  Some might find that weird.  I just consider it the natural order of things.

Production depends upon the product

Okay, so, writing these blogs on my computer when I don't have an internet connection but I do have the thoughts themselves is all well and good… if I remember to post them online.  So far, not so much.  Which is why I've got two posts going out today and both of them relatively long.

I had a good day, I suppose.  It was productive, that's for sure, and I'm completely exhausted, but that's because I'm falling back on bad habits and staying up when I should be sleeping.  Of course, these shifts are an hour longer than the ones that used to be, and so far, I haven't fallen asleep (the thing of it is, if I do, they won't actually fire me for it at this job.  They're pretty cool like that.  All I have to do is inform them if I sleep more than six hours.), and I have managed to accomplish quite a bit.

I was studying last night (2 Samuel), and I suddenly discovered that I can actually be inspired to write more of the "God Moments" chapters when I'm studying by myself.  It's more prone to happen during King's Verse, but I can find stories and lessons in my everyday readings.  I'm almost done with chapter two.  And I seriously feel like God's hand really is on this one.  I can't wait to finish it.  NaNo 2014, here I come!   I've going to have another book by the end of November!

I finally finished my "necklace set."  Katya gave me the idea when she told me her favorite colors were red and gold, and I teased her about being a Gryffindor.  So I decided, in my own mildly OCD-ness, to make a collection of necklaces to represent the four Hogwarts Houses (don't laugh, they turned out AWESOME!).  Since I, in my eternal geekiness, decided that all of the jewelry I make must have a name, like any piece of art (and since, aside from writing, I have no other discernible artistic talents), I give you (in the order I finished them):

"Gryffindor for the Cup"

"Ravenclaw Pride"

"You're So Slytherin"

and "Hufflepuffs are Loyal" 

Their actual names are different, but since I'm posting them on deviantart as "Hogwarts" jewelry, I decided they should have Hogwarts names.  The actual names are (in the same order) "Katya's Ruby", "Rhapsody in Blue and Bronze", "Green with Envy", and "Honeybees".

In case anyone was wondering, "Honeybees" aka "Hufflepuffs are Loyal" is my favorite, and not just because I'm in Hufflepuff on Pottermore (though I admit that had a lot to do with it).  I've been thinking I might take requests.  Or commissions on dA, since I find I quite enjoy beading.  And it would be so much fun to actually make a little money off my hobby.  I tend to go nuts lately and spend all of my slush money for the month on beads and beading supplies.

Here's another thought I'm having: something must be going down in Kansas City this year, because I just had another friend tell me that God is calling her to live and work there.  I would be beyond amused if somehow the two of them met and became good friends, and I could be like, "yeah, I knew both of them before they even met each other."

My thoughts were provoked; they were perfectly within their rights to defend themselves!

I have a list, both actual and mental, of quotes that speak to something in me.  I've added two this week; and both are helping me change the way I look at the world and my place in it.  The first brilliantly speaks to my struggle with self-image in an over-sexed society.

"It's not any woman's duty to starve herself so that someone she hardly knows, and most likely never wants to know, thinks she's sufficiently skinny." –Kiri Blakeley

The second makes me consider how I come across to people.  Not people who know me, but to people who have never met me, people who might be from other cultures or countries.

"I was curious, however, why I hadn't seen a relative number of Americans working aboard the [cruise] ship.  His words stung me and have been branded in my memory ever since that moment.  He said, 'In the cruise line business, one must be willing to serve.  Service is an art.  I have found that Americans, for the most part, don't want to serve.  They want to be served.'" –Babbie Mason, FaithLift

Think about that for a moment, if you will.  What's interesting to me is that I had a conversation with my mother yesterday that was almost eerily similar to that passage of Babbie's book.  We were discussing the almost-perennial short-staffage of my company (because, fortunately, my company is very particular about who they hire.  We're not in the mind-set of hiring warm bodies to fill hours.), and she told me about a pest control company that was having the same problem.

The story she told me is reflective of the above quote.  The pest control specialist that serviced their area joined the service and had to quit, which meant stretching their other employees rather thin to fill his shoes until they could hire people to take over the area entirely.  Which means that the pests were getting out of control.  It also meant my mother was growing increasingly frustrated with the company.  So she called their office one day and asked what the deal was (I'm paraphrasing this story, by the way).  The office gal explained what was happening, and my mother, naturally, asked how, with unemployment at 8%, they couldn't just hire someone to do the job.  The office gal replied that doing the job was exactly the problem.  They could hire plenty of people, but nobody wants to do the work.

It's indicative of the American attitude.  Not only do we want to be served without offering service in return, we also want free things without offering anything of value in return, like our time or effort.

I couldn't live with myself if I could work and yet didn't.  I can't respect someone who can work and doesn't.  In fact, my general opinion of people like that is that they should be made to work.  It goes back to the days of colonial Jamestown, and the policy of "don't work, don't eat." 

Just FYI for all you liberals out there using the Constitution to justify your socialism- WELFARE IS NOT A CONSTITUIONAL RIGHT.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.  The liberal agenda is primarily unconstitutional.  Handouts are unconstitutional.  Not working when you can work may not be illegal, but it is immoral.  YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!

I suppose I should change the subject before this turns into a massive tirade, but let me just say this one thing.  All of you liberals who keep telling me how wonderful Obamacare is and how it's doing great things for health insurance…instead of repeating what you heard on MSNBC, try talking to someone who actually works in health insurance and knows what's in the so-called "Affordable Care Act."  It's not affordable and they don't care.  Stop making yourselves look stupid by insisting that it is and they do.

You know, it's rarely quiet in my head, and right now, I have so many excess thoughts flapping around like demented owls (I'm in a Harry Potter mood lately) that it's making it hard to focus on what I want to be doing, which is, I want to be writing.  As much fun as it is to express myself on a blog, I want to be writing another book.  I can't do it with all this chaos in my brain.  Which is, actually, where a blog comes in handy.  I think of it as a sort of mental drain de-clogging agent.

That's what I should have called this blogpage!  "Mental Draino"!

In my conversations with my mom yesterday, I also confessed a struggle.  As Christians, we are called to pray for, submit to, and bless those in authority over us. 

First Timothy 2:1-4 says, "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.  This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (emphasis mine)

Titus 3:1,2 says, "Remind them to be submissive to ruler and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people." (again, emphasis mine)

And Romans 12:14 tells us, "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them."

These are just three of the passages I found telling us to pray for those we don't like.  It's exceedingly difficult to pray for those who are persecuting you, making your life difficult.  It's very, very hard not to speak ill of someone who is, basically, walking all over you and then smiling and saying it's for your own good.  It's so incredibly hard not to say to someone drinking the Kool-Aid, "Stop being so stupid!"  But that's what we're supposed to do.

I remember the night of the 2008 presidential election.  I stood in the living room of the group home I worked in and I stared at the television that was announcing the election of Barrack Obama as the newest president-elect of the United States of America.  I recall with vivid clarity whispering over and over under my breath, "God, if this is your will, then please bless his presidency.  Lord, please help our country."

Six years later, and I've sort of given up praying for the president.  It's difficult to pray for wisdom and prosperity to be showered on a man who steals my money and uses it to go on multi-million dollar vacations when I can barely afford gas to get to and from work.  It's difficult to pray for blessings and divine favor to fall on a man who has shown time and time again that he is not only a liar, a charlatan, and a thief, but also a terrorist.  Here's some food for thought: since 9/11, those providing funding or weapons or supplies to terrorists have been locked up as terrorists themselves.  So why is the president still in office?

How can I support a man who wants to give more power to people who want me dead?


You know, I've just realized that talking about politics is incredibly hard work.  It has an adverse effect on my blood pressure.  I have to give major props to the political correspondents who do it for a living.  Even when they've been drinking the Kool-Aid.

09 January 2014

My mind is flying in 50 different directions

So, I got my first review.  Thanks to a nightmare I had a month ago, I was all braced for something negative.  The pessimist part of me, I suppose, or maybe it's the thing with low self-esteem.  Who knows?  But I needn't have braced myself.  The review was all positive.
Granted, it was my mother who was reviewing, but the one thing I know about my mother is that she is honest with me.  If she didn't like it, she'd tell me why (which was what I was prepared for, to be honest).  Instead, she told me she loved it.  She liked my characters and my story, and she wants to read more.
So, all those ideas that have been running around like mad, headless chickens inside my brain may now have an outlet- if I can ever corral them into some semblance of order.
And find them some heads.
No, these are not my cats.  These are a
client's cats.  They were just too cute not
to photograph.
Abby and Dean are still waiting for their turn in the sun.  This might be that day.  I have some thinking and praying to do.  And planning.  Because I do have a story to tell, but it's going to be an emotional one, and I'm not entirely sure...I'm not really sure if I'm ready yet.
I have a headache.  I've been reading 1 Samuel, and it's making me think about a lot of things.  Like what a real friend looks like.  And how maybe Jonathan was more of a hero than we give him credit for being.
I mean, think about it for a minute.  Jonathan loved and looked up to his father for almost the whole of his life.  He certainly trusted him and was loyal to the bone.  But then there was David- Jonathan's best friend, whom his father hated and tried multiple times to kill.  And poor Jonathan was caught in the middle.  Between a rock and a hard place, as it were.
I feel at loose ends.  Like I'm supposed to be doing something, only there's nothing to do.  Have you ever felt like that?  I'm pretty sure it's letdown after finishing my editing and getting a proof copy...

07 January 2014

Because freezing is NOT cool

Because, let's be honest, it was cold enough that our Tauntauns were freezing before we reached the first markers!
Sorry.  I couldn't resist.

02 January 2014

Pony-fication and the fact that TV in the 80's and 90's was actually rather lasting

You know those shows that were cheesy in the eighties and nineties, but they just never seemed to die?  Power Rangers is on something like it's eighteenth or nineteenth incarnation (don't ask me what it is; I lost track sometime after the rangers started leaving the planet).  Transformers/Beast Wars is not only still an animated show, it's also had three blockbusters!  Strawberry Shortcake was even resurrected a couple of times.
Now it's My Little Pony- the show is called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (you know, if they're going to resurrect a classic, they should go on with Jem and the Holograms!).  This reincarnation of a nineties favorite is actually, unexpectedly, good!  Not only the animation styles (which are tending more towards the anime influences), but the storylines.  The storylines aren't juvenile or cheesy (okay, so maybe they're moderately cheesy, but not in a way that has grown-ups rolling their eyes and going "I can't believe I actually watched this as a kid") and the characters are actually relatable, for all that they're all horses of some sort.
What's really shocking about the newest My Little Pony is that not only does it have adult fans (I know, right?), it has adult fans of both genders.  There's even a name for them: bronies.
Don't look at me; I may make up words to suit my own purposes, but I did not come up with this moniker.  I'm merely passing it along.
Honestly, I just have two words to say about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.  And those two words are: Pinkie Pie.
Dude, I don't even like the color pink that much (except for in October), and Pinkie's just...well, there's really no describing her, but here goes: element of laughter, Pinkie Pie seems to exist by her own set of rules, as she routinely (and blithely) bends or outright ignores the laws of physics to suit herself.  She gives the impression that she's psychic, she's quite strange, and has, on more than one occasion, been told to her face that she's completely random.
Of the Mane 6, she's my favorite.
Why should you care?
Who knows?
This topic was what I was thinking about at the moment I logged on, so this topic is what I chose to write about right now.  Don't like it, don't read it.  Not that you do anyway.
But think about it.  I mean, this was a popular concept thirty years ago.  We may look back and think that eighties and nineties shows were all cheese and no heart, but let's look at the facts.  Look at what's endured.  It's kind of impressive, really, how much of those decades still lives, technically, though the forms have changed and evolved, the heart of the things haven't changed much.

New Year's blues

Because who can be sad when there's a Happy Turtle in the
Not sure if I'm feeling blue because the holidays are over and it's a bit of a letdown (recall, I spent the first week of December in a kind of funk because NaNo was over), or if it's SAD, which I also usually suffer from.  Or if it's something else entirely.
You know, I think it's a bit of all three.  I know it's sad that the Christmas decorations have to come down soon.  I also think that the near-constant cloud cover and frequent snows we've been getting have something to do with it. 
My main concern is the "other" category.  Part of it is irritation that I work seven days a week- at a job I love, with clients I enjoy, but still, seven days a week is seven days a week- and another part is a kind of depression that comes from being a fifth wheel because every time I get together with my family, everybody else is paired up and I find that incredibly irritating.
Sue me.
Part of it is also that I don't feel like I'm doing anything.  I have these great ideas and every time I jot them down, I've got this little voice in my head saying, "it's been done before" or "no good".
Mom made a good point, I suppose.  If I'm wanting to be an author, I can't be so sensitive.  The thing is...I don't think any of these things is the real problem.
I think I'm just in another of those funks I get into every year around this time, when I just don't see the point.  Of any of it.
Don't look at me like that. 
Tomorrow will be better.
Especially if this headache goes away by then.