30 October 2013

Something fun out of all this

I've started a new reading system.  My list obsession has led me to keep a log of all the books I've read this year, as well as what date I started and what date I finished each.  Actually, it's a lot of fun.  But I have been dissatisfied with my monthly totals for the past couple of months, particularly after a rather lovely July in which I literally finished one book per day within the month.
So, I implemented a decision to start reading a series while at home versus taking my kindle to work.  This was a decision partly based on the hassle of hauling around the huge graphic novels- the things are heavy- and partly based on a decision I made in the eighth grade after a pretty traumatic experience to never take those books to school (or really out of the house) ever again.  Only for Katya did I break that rule, since it's so hard to find someone who loves ElfQuest as I do, within my social circles.
So far, the decision is working out well: I finished Blood of Ten Chiefs, Chief's Howl, Wolfrider, and Fire and Flight in the past three days.  I started on The Forbidden Grove last night, but, as I had work this morning, I set it aside, however reluctantly, and went to bed.
Left: 1996
Right: 2012
What intrigues me, though, is how much of things in the real world remind me of ElfQuest.  Here's a rather entertaining example that I found on the EQ facebook page this afternoon:
I love it.  I love that issue of Shards, too.  Whoever would have expected Strongbow, of them all, to put his life and trust (however momentary) in the hand of a human (pun intended- if you don't get it, I suggest you go find out for yourself here: Shards #13).
You know, this particular obsession of mine is almost twenty years old.  Can you believe it?  I started reading EQ in the fifth grade.  Over eighteen years ago.  Only a few things in my life have lasted longer.  I still remember what I paid for my first graphic novel- which I still have- the hardcover, glossy-paged, color version of the cheaper paperback Reader's Collection volume of Fire and Flight: $15.32 (that was with tax and Barnes and Noble in Westminster, Colorado). 
Currently, on average, the copy I have are selling for between $35-50 on ebay, and that- along with other auction sites- are the only places you can buy them anymore.  Before they revamped the site, elfquest.com was selling them for more than $100 apiece!
It's kind of funny sometimes how much things we loved as children stay with us into adulthood.  I never would have imagined that a book handed to me by a classmate to get me to shut up would become one of my most expensive- and pervasive- hobbies.
Gotta love the power of a story!

Ranting is good for the temper

I promised myself I would try to keep my anger checked.  But it's a difficult thing to do when all you want is to grab the stupid people by their shirts and shake them until they realize how stupid they are.  Of course, I've been told that it's not necessarily stupidity that makes these people so wicked.  In fact, it's selfishness.  Democrats and liberals promise 'them' things, so 'they' support the Democrats and Liberals.
It may be interesting to note that in every single state that requires a photo I.D. to vote, Democrats and Obama were defeated. 
I find that interesting.  I also find it appalling, because the implications of it are enough to make me sick to my stomach.
Here's something else that builds a fire in my gut and makes me want to lash out: there are now more people in the United States on welfare than there are working for a living.  Isn't that interesting?  The thing of it is...welfare's funding comes from the taxes collected from people who work for a living. 
Think it through.
If there are fewer people working than there are collecting welfare, where the hell is the money going to come from?
Think it through, liberals.  Think it through Obama supporters.  Think it through you stupid people who may or may not be as stupid as I think you are.
Use your brains!

The problem now becomes...my temper is inflamed.  My usual sure for that is praise music, but at the moment, I have none available.  Fortunately, reading is also good for that.  I have a book I'm reading right now that appeals both to the politico in me as well as the Christian, and no, it's actually a novel.
Ironically, it's about a time about five hundred years in the future, after this current generation wipes itself out.  In a kingdom isolated from the rest of the surviving world, a group of people 'discover' the timeless truth that is God's Word and begin to spread it, despite the violent and evil persecutions of their often militant state religion.
God's truth is already written.
We win.

28 October 2013

Words That Are Fun to Say

·         Anthropomorphizing

·         Bubbles

·         Cowabunga

·         Dazzle

·         Clunk

·         Proclivity

·         Fork

·         Periwinkle

·         Paparazzi

·         Muppet

·         Pizazz

·         Kleptomaniacal

·         Rutabaga

·         Pyrotechnics

You know, in high school, I created a partial list of words that were entertaining to say or sounded funny with my best friend.  I think ‘fork and ‘periwinkle’ were on that list too. :P

Most of the time, the quiet inside my own head is anything but.  Today was one of those days when things finally seemed to shut off.  I think my mental librarians took the day off.  It happens so very, very rarely…  I wrote a story about them once, you know.  It was actually kind of creative.  I redefined “muse”, “imaginary friends”, “characters”, and “feelings”.  It was actually a stretch of my own writing comfort zone; I’m not usually someone for anthropomorphizing things like that (the closest I’ve ever come is the occasional talking animal), but it was actually kind of fun.  Someday I may even use it as a short story.  I seem to be better at writing those than full-length novels.

Here’s a philosophical question: when dealing with ex-boyfriends, how should one deal with them?  If the breakup is amiable, is remaining friends a good idea?  How do you deal with the awkwardness when one party was more emotionally involved than the other, but that one still wants to stay friends?

Sometimes I wonder.  I’m dealing with my own insecurity issues when it comes to my appeal, but sometimes…sometimes I have to wonder.

You know, I have done a lot of thinking, and even more praying when it comes to this sort of thing.  This whole “soul-searching” journey began because I wanted to feel like I was as good as my friend.  Selfish motives, I know, and definitely not the way to begin a spiritual journey.  Actually, I think that I sometimes feel that way.  That if I just apply myself for a while, I’ll have some spiritual epiphany that will shoot me ahead of others in that department.  It’s a very, very selfish way of thinking, and I don’t like it.

But I’m getting better.  At least I think I am.  I hope so, anyway.  I feel more together within myself, but I also feel more together with God, and that’s what I’ve been looking for my whole life.  There’s truth, you know, in the saying that everyone has a God-shaped hole in their heart.  I’m kind of happy to know that mine is a little less empty now.

Some more good news is this: I now fit into pants a size smaller than I have been wearing.  And the rings that I have now fit on larger fingers.  That, more than anything else, helps me to realize that I actually am losing weight, however slowly it’s happening.  It’s been months since I started to realize that I am beautiful as I am, no matter how big or small I am.  That’s a good, good feeling.

Something my mother said to me yesterday made me think.  I’ve been thinking a lot about my Aunt Barb this month.  It being Breast Cancer Awareness month and all, that’s probably appropriate.  I think, too, I’m finally starting to come to terms with her death, which is definitely necessary for healing.  Anyway, I mentioned this to my mom, that I’d been thinking more about Aunt Barb, and she said to me “She’s with Him.”  Now, maybe that seemed overly simplistic to you, or maybe you’re skeptical and rolling your eyes at what you see as my unbelievably naïve view of this.  But those words really got to me.

One of my favorite quotes comes from one of my favorite books: Sophie’s Heart by Lori Wick.  In it, one of the characters- Alec- is comforting his children over the death of their mother, and one of the kids asks the inevitable “why” that crops up whenever someone dies violently, suddenly, or prematurely.  And Alec’s answer was very simple, but it puts things in a light that not even many Christians tend to look at things like death.  Alec told his children, “God just loved her so much that he couldn’t wait to have her with him.”

Isn’t that beautiful? 

26 October 2013

The Inevitability of Change

Because once upon a time, I was the girl who declared all-out war on the color pink.
Look at me now:
For Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  For the survivors.  For the fighters.  For the fallen and their families.  Pink is my new favorite color.


Welcome!  To my blog.
I decided to start out running, because I had this already written and I wanted to post it.  I love having a smartphone.  The picture quality is better than anything I get with my actual camera.  So, again, welcome.

I have so many words that run through my head, so many thoughts.  But when it comes time to write them down or speak them out, they sort of…bottleneck.  They create a crush, a backup that blocks my mental pathways and makes it hard even to begin.

My mother is amazing.  She and God have a lot in common.  I thought that today, when I was walking in the sunshine, enjoying the weather and the time alone.  Not that my mom is godlike.  It’s just that, like God, my mom has this ability to say or do exactly what I need most, at the exact moment I need it said or done the most.  Obviously, not every time.  There are some times that she misses bigtime- but that’s usually when I’m not in the mood to listen to anything anyone says.  And nobody’s perfect, even I know that.  I’m coming to the point in my life where my mom no longer lives on the pedestal that was her home when I was a child.  It’s been…sobering.

But in a way, it’s also been…liberating.  It’s freeing, knowing that someone who ‘has it all together’ really…doesn’t.  We read the stories in the Bible, and there is so much there, so much to learn.  But there are so many details left out.  Like…

·         Was Ruth ever self-conscious when she was being obedient?  Did she ever feel too heavy or too thin? 

·         Did Moses ever have marital problems?  Did Tzipporah ever give him the silent treatment when she was angry with him?

·         Did any of the disciples leave behind wives or children to follow Jesus?  How did their families react to losing the income of their menfolk?

·         How many apostles or early Christians suffered from depression even after they accepted Christ?

I suffer from so many insecurities.  My weight, my appearance, whether or not I’m good enough- for my family, my friends, for God- whether or not I’ll succeed at anything worth doing.  It’s quiet suffering, you know, and it doesn’t leave a visible or obvious mark.  I’m not starving or homeless.  I’m clean and safe and surrounded by luxuries that I take for granted.  I’m healthy and I have a terrific family.  Someone on the outside would look at me and think, ‘what does she have to feel bad about?’

I sometimes wonder if my brother, my beautiful, sweet brother, is embarrassed to be seen in public with me.  I’m not a small woman.  If I was literally skin and bones and nothing else, I’d still not be skinny because I have a pretty massive skeleton (fortunately, I can honestly say I come by this naturally, as the whole paternal side of my family- and my maternal grandfather- have large, dense bones).  So I’m not looking to fit into a size 0, or whatever the smallest size is in fashion nowadays.  I just don’t want to feel like my family suffers when I’m around.

Do you know what that feels like?  To wonder whether the most important people in your life are embarrassed by your size?

There are days when I feel like nothing ever goes right.  When looking at myself in the mirror is physically painful and making myself smile and talk does nothing but drain every bit of energy and life from my body. 

And then there are days like today, when everything that happens just makes the day that much brighter, that much better.  When I spend time getting to know God and learning who I am, finding out how much my mother loves me, and through that, how much God loves me.  Days when I’m not ashamed of who I am.  I like these days best- who wouldn’t?- and I’m finding that I dread the other ones somehow less now.  Maybe that sounds odd.

I think I’m mad, you know.  It’s this quirk I have, this tendency to talk to imaginary people (I’m not talking about the out-loud prayers I sometimes pray when I go on walks) in my head.  My friend Sarah actually suggested I write a book to that effect, about my “ongoing congress with fictional entities” (my quote- I like it).  “Conversations with the Imaginary” or some such title.  A series of anecdotes about the various fictional characters I invite into my head and have conversations and sometimes even debates with.  Yes, I debate with characters from books.  And anime.  And movies.  In my head.

I’m crazy.  I came up with a list, in my journal, of all the different euphemisms for crazy.  That was actually a kind of fun project, but really only because I like lists.  My favorites were ‘barmy’ and ‘starkers.’  Did you know that ‘starkers’ also means naked?  Somehow, that correlation is HILARIOUS to me.  Who wouldn’t want to be nuts if they got to be ‘naked’ while doing it?

The thing about this kind of crazy is that…I think it’s an okay kind of crazy.  Not that it’s comforting, really.  I mean, I talk to invisible people because I’m lonely, but after the conversations end, I’m still lonely.  That doesn’t change.  But with my brain and my imagination running on constant overdrive, it’s an outlet I never thought of.  And isn’t there a saying somewhere, about all writers being a little crazy?  There should be.  Even if only because I’m a writer and I’m a little crazy. J

I’m going to try this thing my mom suggested.  She got the idea from her Californian friend from Peru.  That’s not my part of the story, but I just kind of wanted to put it like that. :P Anyway, the woman does this thing, where she takes a picture every day, sometimes of something her son is doing, sometimes just something she cooked- the picture doesn’t matter- just something that describes each day for her.  Three hundred sixty-five days a year, she takes these pictures and makes books for herself and her family, photo books that document her life.

I want to try that.  I have no idea where I’ll put them, but I know it’s something I want to try.  A picture’s worth a thousand words, right?  That’s a thousand words a day, even if I don’t add a description or explanation.

Right now, though…right now, I want to revel in the awesomeness that is the movie To Save a Life.