29 March 2014

A day in the life, or list-y blabber

Tumblr is officially my place for ONLY Disney and Elfquest, because the political, socialist crap is really starting to irritate me.  So...
I have been able to find a lot of fun Disney gifs and posts, though, and some Harry Potter ones as well.  So for fandom stuff, tumblr is all good.  For actual stuff, I am home!

We're having a sleepy day today.  I got to sleep until about 10, and after lunch, my sweetie went back to bed- she even gave me a kiss on the cheek!  I love days like this!  AND!!! It's finally wamr enough to go for a walk outside!  Okay, so maybe not for long, and she'll probably need a sweater, but we can go out into the sunshine!  So excited!
Of note: I finally saw the trailer for the TMNT movie coming out in August (which is totally on Justin's and my list for movies to see in 2014), and I'm super excited now.  Being a child of the 90's (yes, I know I was technically born in the 80's, but pretty much everything before you're five doesn't register anyway, so I'm also a child of the 90's), I remember the original TMNT movie.  I still watch it on occasion.  It's a classic part of my childhood-

Oh!  I should totally make a list of movies that "defined" my childhood!

I'm still on listography every other day or so, adding to lists and making new ones.  Ever since we were given Ember's soulname, I've been itching to make a list of the elves whose soulnames we know and the ones we don't.  The one I really wish we knew was Clearbrook, being my favorite she-elf.  However, I did notice something.
Cutter and Skywise- we not only know their soulnames, but we also know the soulnames of both of their parents (Joyleaf and Bearclaw, and Shale and Eyes-High).  And we finally know both of the twins' soulnames.  It's interesting that we don't know either Brill's or Teir's...
And now I have to wait 60 DAYS to find out what happens next!
I really hope they end up consolidating all of these issues into reader volumes like they did before.  Eventually.  Omnibus editions are very in right now. :)

I cut my hair last night.  Not a lot.  It was driving me nuts, making my neck itch, so I took some scissors and hacked off about an inch (though much more delicately than that) on the sides and back.  Still probably going to have to ask Mom to even up the back for me sometime this week, but it actually looks cute, so I'm happy.  And it holds curl better, being shorter.  Not quite Dewshine-short, but I could probably be Yun if I dyed it blonde. :P

My Silly Countdown (I do this in my journal too):

  • The Pirate Fairy (also Fred and George's birthday): 3 days
  • My birthday: 15 days
  • Easter: 22 days
  • EQ FQ #3: 60 days

27 March 2014

Poptimism (it is now a word, deal with it)

I had an interesting moment today.

I am what I refer to as a "poptimist".  Which basically means that I am a pessimistic optimist.  Yes, I know it's an oxymoron.  But that's the best way I can think of to describe the way I think.

A friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer.  Earliest stages, and the prognosis is very positive.  My first instinct was to have a bit of a freak-out (thanks to Mom, by the way, for putting my head back on straight- from a thousand miles away, no less!).  But once that was over, I was all up in God's face, praying and praying and praying.
Because, you know what?
God is in control.  God knows what he is doing.  And if my friend isn't worried, is in fact, confident, then what business have I to be dragging anyone, including myself, down with doom and gloom?
My melodramatic soul weeps for the loss of a "horror of horrors!" swoon across the couch, but you know what?  It's all going to be okay. :-)
This is the day that the Lord has made, and we shall rejoice and be glad in it!

25 March 2014

Cream puffs and catawampus (which totally gets added to the list of words that are fun to say)

(written at work at 2 a.m.)
I dreamed about cream puffs yesterday.
I don't know why, really, or what that means.  But it kind of struck me, since I don't usually dream about food.  I mean, there is sometimes food in my dreams, but I don't usually dream solely about food.
Also, there was a dream about a second cousin named Velma that I'm almost ninety-nine percent sure I don't have.
I still have "Let It Go" stuck in my head.
I learned something about attitude last night that I'm sure most people would consider common sense.  Here it is, you ready?  Attitude determines outcome.
Lessons like this are learned and relearned often; we forget, sometimes, that we know them, or we consider them such common sense that sometimes our uncommon sense disregards them completely and they come as a surprise when we realize them all over again.
I'm becoming irritated with tumblr.  I know, you're thinking 'that was fast', but it's true.  Most of tumblr is just reposting what other people have posted; there's not a lot of original thought.  And there's a lot of liberals on tumblr, I've come to discover.  Not the least of which is my boyfriend.  But he and I don't discuss politics.  Or religion.  Well, I'd like to, but it will only likely start an actual argument, considering he's a definite liberal and I'm a definite conservative.
Speaking of politics, how's this for a lesson?  "American National Government"?  That's the name of my class.  It's the poli-sci requirement and I do not want to take it, but alas, it's the second-to-last general education requirement for my degree.  Six months of schooling left.  I'm so proud of myself.  Which is odd, because I haven't done anything yet.

This evening, I was reading a chapter in Romans (before I work on my two chapters of reading for class), and I came across something that made me feel like God was jumping up and down, waving his arms, and shouting, "Yoo-hoo!  Pay attention! Over here, kiddo!"  I chose chapter 12 because I read a verse from there in yesterday's chapter of The Purpose-Driven Life.  The version I'm reading at work (because it fits in my purse) is the New Testament of the Message.  This was what I read:
"…if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them.  Keep a smile on your face."
Only God knows how often I get frustrated with my clients, or irritated by their demands or repetitions.  And sometimes, it's not easy to keep a smile on my face.  This was a direction I needed to learn to go in.  This was what I needed to read tonight.

I just want everyone to know- I got my mojo back!  So, whatever kept me from writing- be it burnout, physical exhaustion, or merely a lack of inspiration, it's gone now, and I'm all systems go for Camp NaNoWriMo next month.  I'm going to be working on a new concept, and I've reduced my word goal to 20,000 (considering I've never done NaNo while in school and working full-time), so we'll see how well this goes.

I just realized something else.  Of all the people who believed in me and supported me in my writing aspirations, only one died before I was published.  That may seem like a morbid thought, but to me it's not.  It's beautiful.  Because here's how I look at it: she got the first one to know it would happen with 100% certainty.

Edit: I feel decidedly accomplished today.  Not only did I balance my checkbook and finish filling out my FAFSA, I also finished the first chapter of this week's assigned reading and my first day's homework!
And now I'm freezing!

20 March 2014

What to do when all you see is...

Frozen sketch by artist davidkawena
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately.  On the one hand, it's good to have my mojo back.  I've been writing pages instead of lines in my journal the past week or so.  I'm feeling inspired, and that feels unbelievably good.  I just don't know how good it's going to be.
I feel the weight of other people's disappointment in me.  Is that weird?  Have you ever looked at someone or talked to someone and you can almost see their disappointment in the air between them and you?  Felt the distance that's growing, and you know how to stop it, but you can't bring yourself to move?
Yeah...it's pretty depressing.
I guess this is God's way of answering my prayers to be less dependent on others' opinions of me.

Well that was upsetting.
I finally saw Frozen.  And then I proceeded to watch it three times.  I know I should've stopped at one, but I really couldn't help myself.  I love the song "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman" (ohnigosh, little Anna is soooo cute!), and I understand why "Let It Go" has become such a sensation (Idina Menzel has the most amazing voice!).
Sven is my favorite character, and I find Olaf to be cute but mildly creepy.  I have to admit that it's kind of funny how he's always making butt comments ("Watch out for my butt!" and "Do me a favor and grab my butt."), and it was very sweet how he almost melted to keep Anna warm.  But, I don't know.  He's just vaguely...I don't know.

18 March 2014

Disney and Pixar Sings Let it Go

Dad showed me this video his weekend- I could hardly believe it!  I thought it was awesome, very well done, and entertaining!

I can't tell WHAT I feel...

I know I shouldn't've.  I mean, even as I clicked on the link, I knew I shouldn't have.  I knew I was just asking for it.

And yet...

What's going to happen to Krim and Pike?

Nine days remain until my curiosity can be assuaged...how is it that every time one of these has been released, I've been at work?  I don't know why I bother with the packaging, since I'm undoubtedly going to buy the digital version as well...Glad I have an account with Dark Horse, though.  Waiting a week after everybody else is freaking unbearable!  Especially since spoilers start appearing a week after...

Ugh, my ElfQuest obsession is rearing its head.  It's quite a pretty head, you know, all longsoft hair and softpretty highthings...

14 March 2014

If this is what dreaming leads to, I'd sleep all the time!

So, I had a dream last night (actually, I had several, but this was the one that stood out) and when I woke up, I immediately wrote this:

As she rounded the corner, Linnie froze in surprise.  Aaron stood there, staring back at her.  He looked exactly as she remembered him, and it made her heart jerk.  "Oh," she breathed.
He still looked good- but then, he'd always looked just fine to her.  His fashion sense had seemingly improved- he was dressed very sharply in a pressed, button-down blue shirt.  And the lavender silk tie she'd bought him that first Christmas they had been an "official" couple.  The year after high school, when everything was perfect.
Her heart ached.  She had been so unreasonably blind back then.  She'd refused to see how good she already had it when Jack had come along and tempted her with what she didn't have.  She shook her head.  "Aaron," she said, her voice sounding thick and choked.
"Hello, Lenore," he replied stiffly, his expression blank and polite.  And her heart hurt even more at the distance that existed between them now- distance she was responsible for.  He gave her a stiff nod and continued past her.  He paused outside the Big Boy, looking in at the "Store Closing" signs that had gotten her attention too, and she heard herself blurt, "You were right!"
For several minutes, she wasn't even sure she'd actually said it, but finally, when she was just thinking of turning and continuing on her way, he faced her again.  Though she had always been able to read him more easily than a book, there was an opacity to his face now that both hurt and scared her.  It made her realize that she had caused more pain than she might be ready to own up to.
"I was right?" he repeated with careful politeness.
She breathed again and nodded slowly.  "You were right, Aaron.  About…about everything.  Jack never actually cared about me.  Not as a person, not as me.  He…he was interested in the connections I have, through my dad and…and through working at the studio.  But…but he…" She swallowed hard, because the truth still both galled and hurt to admit, even to herself, let alone to someone else- especially one who had seen the signs and actually tried to warn her.  "He was cheating on me from the beginning.  And…and, uh, he…uh, we…"  She felt herself blushing with the shame and humiliation she still felt, but she had promised- herself and God- that she would make this apology if she ever got the chance.
And her chance was standing right in front of her now, even if his face looked like it had been cast in stone- very disinterested stone.
"You slept with him," Aaron filled in for her bluntly, making her blanche as her face flared crimson again.
"He manipulated me," she began defensively before she cut herself off.  Those were excuses; it was the old way of thinking.  Shaking her head, she reminded herself that she was a new person, with new ways of thinking.  She continued as calmly as she could.  "He may have manipulated me, but I was the one who gave into it instead of standing my ground and leaving."  She sighed unhappily.
"Why are you telling me this, Lenore?" he asked almost harshly.
She flinched.  She'd always hated it when he used her given name.  Ever since they were kids, he had called her by the affectionate nickname Linnie, or sometimes even Linnie-pest- the only one allowed to call her that beside her grandfather.  Taking a deep breath to steady herself, trying to set aside the hurt for a moment, she replied slowly, reminding herself silently that, as much as she loved Aaron and valued his opinion, even he was second in her esteem now.  And God wanted her to make amends where she could.  She would do her part, and she would do her best to trust him to take care of the rest.
"I met a lady about three months ago, when she moved into the condo next door to Jack's."  Linnie smiled almost reflexively, thinking about the beautiful soul that was Genevieve Garfield.  "Even at the beginning, she was never shy or slow to tell me that what I was doing, how Jack and I were living, was wrong.  At the time, of course, I was deeply offended.  The thing was, no matter how I tried to avoid her, I always ran into her at a moment of weakness.  She seemed to have a radar for those moments, and there she'd be.  She was never harsh or judgmental, just…genuinely concerned.  Even as she was telling me that I was only hurting myself, living in sin as I was, she also wasn't slow to tell me- often multiple times in the same conversation- that God loved me anyway."  She swallowed.  "She reminded me of an old Sunday school teacher I had before Dad got remarried and we moved to River Hills.  We stopped going to church because Miranda was uncomfortable there."  She shook her head, trying to get back on track.  "Anyway, Jack laughed at her behind her back- and even sometimes to her face.  She never stopped though.  She kept telling me that God still loved me.  And I was so miserable…I desperately wanted to believe her."
Linnie felt her heart lift just recalling the memories.  "I started to seek her out whenever Jack wasn't around- which was a lot even then.  I knew how he felt about her, so I kept that from him.  When he found out, he told me to stop going to see her, to avoid and ignore her if I ran into her, that I was wasting my time."  She shook her head, smiling ruefully.  "Possibly the best decision I ever made was to disobey him.  Gennie led me to Christ right there in her living room one night about two weeks ago."
She grimaced slightly.  "When I told Jack- and explained exactly what my decision would mean for our relationship- he kicked me out.  There was a lot of cursing involved, and he very deliberately confessed to all of his cheating over the years, going so far as to give me names- and there were more than a lot of those.  Gennie invited me to stay with her until I figured out what I was going to do, but at the same time, she spent a lot of effort trying to convince me to come home, clear the air, and mend bridges."  She peeked at his expression and winced at the coolness in his eyes.  "You're actually the last person on my list of apologies to make."  She bit her bottom lip and added, "I had to work my way up to you."
He snorted derisively, but his voice was gentle when he asked, "Am I really that scary?"
She peeked again and saw a glimmer of avid interest in his eyes.  Flashing a brief smile, she replied honestly, "You were the only one on the list that I wasn't at least ninety-five percent sure would forgive me…eventually.  My dad, Jess, Amy…even Abby and Daisy, I knew would forgive me.  But you…I know…I know that I hurt you most of all."  She met his eyes reluctantly.  "I needed time, to prepare myself in case you didn't.  Forgive me."

This is a scene that was actually inspired by my dream.  It wasn't in my dream.  It was just filled in as I wrote it.  Feedback?  Questions?  Comments?  Anyone?

Also, this is my new motivational tool:
It pops up every time I log onto my computer now.  It is, by far, the most perfect desktop wallpaper EVER!

13 March 2014

Of writing, listing, and tumblr...ing

I'm ridiculously excited about my brother's little gift to me.  When we went to the movies yesterday (well, I guess it's not yesterday anymore, but Tuesday), and he gave me a Harry Potter wand pen and bookmark.  I'm all "SQUEE!!" about the whole thing, really.  It was so very thoughtful of him, and I love it!

I've officially signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo for next month.  It's where I started Unlooked For last year, so I'm hoping it will give me a jump start on my project for this year, and my next book.  Actually, just giving the thing a working title ("Tales from the Inside") and writing out a basic (very basic) synopsis has given me a boost of creativity.
The rest of that boost, I attribute to writing with my Harry Potter pen. :)

Oh, I SOLD ANOTHER BOOK!  A paperback one, not a kindle one, as far as I've been able to tell.  This is very exciting, people!

So, I started a listography.com account (my obsession with making lists has exploded onto the internet!), and it's helping me with my OCD.  I write more real stuff when I can pause, and type up a random list on my phone (i downloaded the app as well), and then get back to writing something of my own.  Granted, I still need the occasional bout of fanfiction to get my creativity moving, but still...

Tumblr, on the other hand, is taking over my freaking life.  I love reblogging gifs and pics and random things, with the occasional random comment from me popped in there to satisfy my need to express myself.

My life is pretty darn good, eh.  I am watching one of my "Happy Place" movies.  Star Trek Into Darkness  Kind of weird for a Happy Place movie, but then, I'm not exactly what most people would consider normal, am I?

Love is...

I've been asking this question almost everywhere, so I figured I could ask it here.  Not that this blog has any active followers like my tumblr does, but still.

So, here it is.  Finish the sentence:


07 March 2014

Rereading old favorites is like...coming home after a long, hard day.

So, I'm re-reading The Scions of Shannara for perhaps the fifth or sixth time, and it suddenly occurs to me: the Ohmsfords and the Leahs are actually related now.  Sure, three hundred years removed, but they're still related!
Which means that Morgan Leah is actually some very, very distant cousin to Par and Coll.  Actually, Morgan Leah is probably more closely related to Walker Boh, as they'd both be descendants of Brin Ohmsford (Par actually contemplates Walker's Ohmsford ancestor in one scene) rather than Jair, but still.

Does this blow anyone else's mind?

Or am I the only one so obsessed that I would notice this in the first place? :)

Following that to its conclusion, when Bek was adopted by the Leahs before the events of The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara trilogy, he wasn't just like family, he was family, albeit very, super far removed family.
Hahaha!  I love finding obscure things in books that no one else seems to notice...

I wonder if Terry did that on purpose?

So, here's a thought

Can it nearly be spring?
I can hardly believe it, but as Jan reminded everyone on FB yesterday, this Sunday is the beginning of Daylight Savings Time.  Can you believe it?  I remember when it was the first Sunday in April, not the first Sunday in March...
On the upside, it's nearly spring.  On the downside, I lose an hour of work while I'm at work, and I'm not so fond of that idea.  But que sera sera, si?
I started reading The Purpose-Driven Life as my devotional on Wednesday (and, perfect timing, though I didn't do this on purpose), which was also the beginning of Lent.  This year, I'm actually going to try it, and I've determined to give up fast food/coffee/eating out.  This morning (yes, I know it's two days late), I've also decided to add facebook games to that.  I spend way too much time playing them, wasting my time, really.  There are much better, other things I could be doing with my time.
And maybe, just maybe, a 40 day fast from them will get me out of the habit of going there first thing.  I do not want to be addicted to FB!
I'm trying this thing, it's called "oil pulling".  Basically, you're using oil (organic, cold pressed only, coconut, sunflower, sesame, or olive oils) as a mouthwash, and you do it for 15-20 minutes a day (instead of just the 1-2 minutes with regular mouthwash).  The oil leeches bacteria and crap out of your mouth.  Apparently, it whitens teeth, gets rid of bad breath, moisturizes,prevents the growth of bacteria, etc.  I'm going to see how it goes.  I may keep doing it just for the teeth whitening benefit- my teeth are too sensitive for those bleach whiteners.  It's pretty cheaper than whitestrips, too.

04 March 2014

She warned me about flying fandoms...

In hindsight, maybe it was a bad idea to get a tumblr account.  It's so easy to post to tumblr.  And now I'm addicted to blogging and reblogging on tumblr.
Especially reblogging.  Katya warned me about the flying fandoms on tumblr, and now I'm in amongst them!  It's madness, I tell you, pure madness!

On the upside, I cannot even tell you how beneficial it is for me to have a "read-and-reviewer" who is willing to tell me that my storyline is overused and overdone.  Had she not, I would have written the same happily ever after with different character names, and people who've read my book would've been like "wait, deja vu!"
So, this time around, I'm going to try a different genre altogether.  It won't be the high fantasy (I'm seriously stuck on that one, you guys!  I've got 47 pages, typed, single-spaced, size 10 Times New Roman, and I'm STUCK), but I am considering a fantastical element.  Or maybe it would be considered more psychological?  I dunno.  It won't be chick-lit again, though, and it might take more than a year to finish (now that's a scary thought, since the last one to take more than a year to finish is the high fantasy "Gardener of Aenen" that is still in the freaking works.

I have a decent start on it, and it's kind of a fun, light-hearted sort of thing.  Actually, it's sort of based on the short story I wrote my senior year of high school and into my freshman year of college, called "When Muses Go on Strike."
Heheh, I might include the short story as a "bonus" when I publish the finished book.  That would be kind of fun.  I do love writing short stories.
Mom's encouraging me to try my hand at kids' books, and I was thinking of refining my first ever short story (I wrote it when I was 8) and turning it into a children's book.  Kat, you remember that illustrator position I offered you in high school?  Still want in? :)