13 November 2013

When things don't make sense- or do they?

Have you ever been mad at someone for something that happened in a dream?  I know there are people who have a dream about someone being in trouble, and they wake up and they’re still scared something will happen to that person.  But have you ever been mad at someone for something they said or did in a dream- never mind that they have never (and most likely would never)- actually say or do what you’re mad at them for?

I am.  I’m mad at someone for something they did in a dream I had last night.  I had a plethora of dreams throughout the, uh, twenty-one hours I slept, but that one stayed on my mind through all of them after I had it.  And so I woke up mad at this friend, and I still haven’t been able to shake it.  Do you know what that’s like?  It’s a weird thing to experience,

I spent hours at the dealership yesterday getting my car fixed.  Parts of it, anyway.  It made me intensely grateful for my mother.  It’s actually hard to articulate, the way I feel about my mom.  For most of my life (thus far), she was the only parent I had.  She worked hard to support us, but she was always there to be a mom, too.  She made us her priority, no matter what happened.  And now I’m all grown, and she’s still doing her mom thing.  I found out I was going to need to pay for a lot more than I expected, since parts of my car were breaking down just before winter.  So I called my mom and told her what was what, because I was hoping she would let me alter my payment plan on my car so that I could pay for these parts first (which means saving money over the next couple of months).

Instead, Mom wires me enough money for the repairs and just adds it to my loan total, meaning I just keep paying her for longer than originally planned and everything’s hunky dory.  So, my mother is the reason I have a car that’s a-okay.

My mom’s also the reason I’ve been motivated to keep losing weight.  She’s the reason I do half of the good things I do.

And by the way, I’ve never been mad at my mom for something she did in a dream I had. J
Here's another question: have you ever had a thought, sudden and unexpected and seemingly random that turns out to be something from God?
Like inviting an ex to church when he's already given you his opinion of your beliefs.  Of course, I became utterly convinced when he actually said yes.

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