What I want to know is, what if we love someone, but we hate being around them because they make us feel small and petty and selfish? Does that have anything to do with seeing something in them that is reflected in ourselves? Or is it more a matter of seeing in them what we wish was reflected in ourselves?
I started out this day super excited because I had not only caught up to my word count for NaNo, I had surpassed it (in case anyone is interested, I passed the 30,000 word mark about ten minutes ago). Then I caught a glimpse of another friend's blog, and the whole of my excitement drained from me, leaving me feeling insignificant and stupid for being so excited about something...silly.
How is it that our friends can make us feel so horrible about ourselves just by being enthusiastic about their own lives?
My book has no lasting significance to anyone but me. I know that. I know that it's not important in the grand scheme of things, and I've always been okay with that.
Except now I keep wondering if I should be out in the world doing something with more eternal significance: feeding the homeless or teaching Sunday school, maybe.
But then I tell myself that different people find God's will for them in different places. Because we're not all the same. Why should I feel guilty because I'm not going overseas on a mission trip? Why should I feel like less than someone else because I like to stay at home and keep to myself?

As it is, I'd rather be happy with who and what I am right here and now than feeling guilty about not living out someone else's purpose.
Besides, I'm taking a friend with me to church on Sunday. I'm praying that he'll keep going with me until God gets ahold of his heart and he starts coming by himself.
I think I'm ready to be excited again. :)
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